What’s cooking right now?
- Baxter Cove is happening! Jordan and Cody are available on Kindle (and for a limited time in Kindle Unlimited); the other eBooks are available for pre-order from this store as well as Kindle. I’m working on getting all books into all formats! After a short stint in Kindle Unlimited, I will publish the eBooks to other stores. (Just a reminder that the Kindle Unlimited program does not allow me to offer the eBook elsewhere while it is in the program.)
- The Haunted Hotel audiobook is out and live just about everywhere, including YouTube. You can find all of the Gertrude audiobooks on her YouTube channel: Gertrude, Gumshoe.
- I’ve just recorded an audiobook! Revival is available in this store as well as on YouTube. And it’s coming soon to a zillion other stores and libraries (but at this time, not to Amazon or Audible). You can find a bunch of free audiobooks on YouTube: Free Christian Audiobooks.